Thursday, April 24, 2003

Poot and Scoot

Thursday, 24 April, 2003

When I set an alarm clock, for whatever purpose, whether it's to drop everything and brush the fangs, turn on the tube to watch the game or to simply wake my sleepy ass up to shower and get to work, I set the thing to go off at an odd minute. Three past the hour. 17 till. That kinda thing. I've been doing this for years with no real reason.
The other day I had to set an alarm to get up extra-early to trudge across town and give a cat a shot. I set the alarm for 6:33a. When it woke me and I shut it off I saw the display. 6:33. I thought to myself, "Wonder what other suckers are getting up right this moment. I wonder who got up a minute earlier and who got to sleep in a whole extra minute?" Taking it further, I wondered if I knew people who set alarms at specific minutes. I wondered how many degrees of separation from myself would find people setting alarms at six oh oh, six oh one and so on until 6:59a. So I threw out a little email survey.
I sent the simple message: Send yr first name, yr city, what time you set your alarm in the morning and who sent you the message. I sent one lone email to my pal in Atlanta, GA. Within hours I received dozens of replies from all over the world. The strangest was from a dude named Santa hailing from North Pole. He sets his alarm for 6:14a. Don't know if it's legit or not. Don't know if there are more than one "Santa" livin' in the North Pole. Could be that it really was him. Whatever the case, my question of degrees of separation answered itself. "A lot." A lot of degrees of separation between me and folks setting alarms for specific minutes past 6a. My reasoning: Don't know Santa. Don't know Gordon in Philly (6:18a); Phoebe in Caracas (6:44a); Leo in Boise (6:55a) or Bridgit in Stockholm (6:23a). I have all the forwarding paths and whatnot, but the first 6-ish response was about fifty forwards. The second was somewhere around a hundred. I got fucking bored.

Tonight: Annie's
Birthday request.
Bring yr pals. I will. See you there!


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Scorpion Toilet Bowl

Thursday, 17 April, 2003

Wow! No workey tomorrow, so's why not bail over to Trader Sam's? Bring yr pals. I will. See you there!


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, April 10, 2003


Thursday, 10 APril, 2003

Here's some things!

I called this fucking bitch I know a "big fat androgynous hoggy with a turtleneck ass." I think that is a.) true; and b.) funny.

I got a lot of things goin' on this month. So damn many I needa get my Palm Pilot up and running. There's a dead monkey on it now. That sucker stinks.

Boy did I stay out late last night.

Spongebob is cool. Silly.

Moss was in the paper yesterday: LINK

I'm considering a second Emergen-C today.

Moving again. Got calls to make.

I like being sneaky. Yesterday I was sneaky.

Birthday party for Miss Delp and Mister Lennon this Sunday the 13th. It's gonna be at Great America. Robot is prolly gonna puke from them coasters.

Tonight: Baccus Kirk. I'm a bettin' man and I'm bettin' none of you folks are coming out tonight.


whrr ... clik!

Sunday, April 06, 2003

My beery lies over the ocean ...

Thursday, 07 March, 2003

I have a wonderful friend who's a super skier and it's thrilling to watch her shred the slopes. She seems to have been born on them skis, as she commands them effortlessly, as if they were a part of her anatomy. A lovely List Member and I drove up Tahoe recently and met up with my special skiing friend. She and some of her pals had rented a house up there for a weekend of alpiney sports. Let me tell you about the house. It was nice enough: It had comfy sofas, a huge fireplace and a big kitchen that a lot of folks could stand around in jawing at each other. What was curious about this joint was the decor. There were vintage sleds on EVERY wall. Million-year-old skis mounted above the dining room table. Lots of other bits of yesteryear's snow sports equipment covered every square inch that didn't have a "Rosebud" nailed to it. There were also cutsey framed illustrations of bears in the snowy woods, deer in the snowy woods, woodchucks in the snowy woods ... ya get the idea. If that wasn't strange enough, the next morning's ride to the ski resort revealed the neighbors' houses - glorified in all manner of alpine decoration. My question is, if one builds or buys a house in a snow-sports locale, are they obligated to decorate their places like that? I don't know. Need to investigate. I spent the rest of the day thinking about it while falling down in the snow.

Tonight: Zeitgeist. It's going to be nice out tonight, so why not throw a few back and get some charcoal-grilled meats while yr at it. And hobnob w/ pals? Sounds like Christmas to me.

See you there!



whrr ... clik!

Thursday, April 03, 2003


Thursday, 03 April, 2003

Yeh, well while most folks are fired up for Spring, I dread its arrival. Nothing but misery brought on by every green thing flowering. All those various pollens get up my nose and in my eyes and I'm a fucking wreck. And the dope one can take for it works ... but it zombies you out something fierce. Cheese and crackers seem to help, so see you tonight at:

Specs'. Bring yr pals. Bring me some Kleenex. See you there!


whrr ... clik!