Thursday, July 28, 2005

OTIS, My Man.

My pal's dad just turned 80. I've known my pal and his dad since 1978, and while we haven't lived in the same city for a long, long time, we've remained close. I had a nice long chat with both of them a few weeks ago and I was vividly reminded of the dad's flair for telling stories, as he was goaded into telling some by his kids. He told a story that reminded me of a nutty thing I once did, and even though these rants are FULL of lies, Linkey-Loo Robot was there and witnessed the event, so he can authenticate if you like.

The dad's story: He (his name is Bill) worked for a time in a thirty-story building in Phoenix and took the elevator to the 18th floor. He's always been a very friendly man and was apparently feeling very-very friendly one morning riding the elevator, because when an attractive, well-dressed twenty-something gal remained as the last passenger in the elevator once the rest got off, Bill turned to her and said, "I cannot help but notice how nice you look. I know I shouldn't say anything, but you look great. I thought I'd let you know." The girl beamed, Bill said, and blushed slightly while modestly thanking him.
Insipred, Bill complimented another lady a few weeks later. She was the sole remaining passenger on the elevator and when he said she had an awfully sharp-looking suit, this thirtyish lady TURNED HER BACK on him. Sense came back to Bill and he shut the hell up and was glad she didn't pepper-spray him for his trouble. He didn't say shit to any more hotties.

Upon hearing this story, I recalled one night standing in the rain at Spaz's place, huddled around the fire with a lot of beer and a few strangers. We'd been there for hours; throwing shoes, drinking beer, barbecueing meats and we'd had so much fun that when a light rain began to fall, no one abandoned the giant fire Spaz had built in the pit. I had had enough domestic light beers to let rip an unsolicited comment to a niceish lady standing next to me. I told her she had beautiful skin. I swear I didn't have any ulterior motives and I had simply noticed that she had perfect skin and, well, told her so. She was surprised and said thanks. Her husband had been standing right next to her and had heard the entire thing but he didn't say or do anything except look at me a little sideways from then on. Alan had to sit down he was laughing so hard. True story.

Tonight - Bender's Bar and Grill.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Never been to this joint, but Linkey-Loo Robot says it rules. He also shamelessly plugs this event:
Sat, July 30 10 : 00 pm (doors at 8:30)
The Lord Weird Slough Feg
Acid King
Floating Goat


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Sorry I'm tardy today but here's why:

Tonight - Tunnel Top.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Fire in the disco!


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, July 14, 2005


So, once again, "Summer School" is in, and your "regular teacher" is out... leaving you with the ubiquitous "substitute teacher". Heh.... I said "ubiquitous"....heh...heh. I can think back to my school days so many years ago and recall, with great detail, almost EVERY substitute teacher that I've ever had. I'm talking from elementary school right up through college. Well, in college, if a teacher didn't show up, you just didn't have I guess I really meant through high school. I believe that I remember them all for two reasons:

1. It was a break in the daily monotony
2. Every one of them was a freak with some odd character glitch that kept them from becoming real teachers

That said, this "substitute" brings you this evenings venue announcement.

Since my wife's name is "Julie", and I've worked SOMA for 18 years, we WERE going to the original SOMA "retro" bar, but my wife informs me "Butthead... it's no longer open". So, that said, we'll hit another SOMA "theme" bar BUTTER. PBR on tap!!! The tater tots are on me!!!

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

See you there!! I know I'll be!!!


Linkey-Loo Robot -

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Rock over London, Rock on Chicago.

I don't know what they want us to do. Surrender?

Tonight - Bloom's Saloon.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

I won't be there tonight and LinkelyLoo will be there late. Keep the faith.


whrr ... clik!