Thursday, October 25, 2007

The 5 percent nation

My bike Chuck sure glows a neat shade of red in this smoke-filtered sunlight. Makes me think of old timey photos.

Tonight - Homestead.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


The video store across the street from me is rather conveniently located but because I NetFlix and Home BO the movies I watch on the TV, I haven't needed to go in before now and that is only because I need to rent a particular kind of video.

Ya see, the store is painted all over with the store's name and its slogan: ALL RATINGS. Every window boasts ALL RATINGS, as does the street sign. I haven't been to a video store in a long time, but I do remember that the Documentary, Foreign and Travel sections - all genres not rated by the hideously fiendish and un-American MPAA - are usually poor. My local vid shop, with its signage, promises overflowing sections of these movies. To boot, the one plate-glass window not devoted to the store's ALL RATINGS mantra advertised a "free Paris video" with each rental. Great! My little wife has often mentioned how she had a fantastic time in France and that she'd love to go there with me sometime.

I'm going to get me a DIY video of a renter's guide to apartment repair. I'll get that and my free Paris video. I'll write a review of each when I get back from Frisco.

Tonight - The Irish Bank.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Bleu cheese fries. Guinness. Special guests. See you there!


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

National Shit on the Sidewalk Day

EVERY day.


That's how it is living in Venice, CA.

But you can avoid all that by trekking down to a less feces-laden Haight Street right to the Club Deluxe.

By popular TNSC demand, it's the burlesque gals again tonight. Five bucks gets you in. More fun than you can shake a tassel at!!!

Show starts at 9pm. Get to the Haight early, dine, record shop, and get to the Deluxe.


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

See the light?

I dunno what's with me going to street fairs. I dunno why I think the next one will be any different from the last one. It's all a bunch of junky primitive art to me ... that and the local realtors visibly shitting their pants and trying to sign up folks for harassment. Lots of weird people with tiny dogs, too. I've had it up to here with tiny dogs.

Last Sunday after another humiliating Bears defeat, my little wife and I quit arguing about how to get down to the Abbot Kinney Street Faire and began to walk. (I wanted to ride bikes. She said that was a stupid idea. It was.) Upon arrival I figured it would be a quick trip: The scene before us was an absolute throng of people and little dogs, all but obscuring the tents of driftwood picture frames, incense and sea glass earrings. Same junk, different street. We walked south toward Venice Blvd, said hello to a co-worker we chanced upon during the weave through the crowd. I proposed that we U-turn at Venice and come back the way we came. It was uneventful. We became bored - I could tell my little wife was bored as she started again on her latest scrapbooking project which has a working title of "Dieting in South Australia's North." I proposed that we veer off east and go get some chips and salsa at the little mercado on Rose Ave. She agreed.

A half-block before our side-street turn, we passed a small church. They had set up a tent and chairs and were working the walk-in crowd with some sermonizing. I passed just as the preacher man was full into it. I have been to Sunday Meetings before and this guy must have been as green as Kermit because his voice was shaky, his resolve was questionable and his sermon was not fluid. He made a desperate attempt to win the crowd back by proposing a question: "WHO is the LIGHT? WHAT is the NAME of PEACE?" He continued, "The NAME of PEACE is a MAN, ladies and gentlemen, and that MAN'S name is spelled J - U - S - ... er ... waitaminute ... J - E! - S - U - S."

I swear he did it. He turfed the spelling of the one name he should know how to spell. So funny.

Tonight - Hemlock Tavern.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!