Thursday, January 28, 2016

Slacker (REDUX)

1.4.2016  (first posted this week 2004)

I like Provolone cheese. It is nice. The name Provolone sounds like a hockey player's name.

Expect longer nonsensical Venue Announcements to commence next week.

Tonight - The Homestead.

whrr ... clik!

Thursday, January 21, 2016



If you're into tattoos, fine.  I'm not so much.

I went to meet a guy at a cafe.  He didn't show.  (I used to go to cafes quite often.  I liked my corner cafe.  I love coffee and friends, so in the days before the TNSC, my hangout was more often a cafe.  In the days before TNSC, not everyone and their mother (and grandmother) had tattoos.)  While I waited in vain, I guzzled a few cups of coffee.  I had gotten a "coffee for here," so I had a ceramic coffee cup.  On my second cup, I asked the barista what the deal for refills was, "is it a buck or something?" I said.  He said it was full price (it ain't like the old days, brother) but I could go ahead this time.  As I pumped another cup from the carafe, I noticed he was a tattoo enthusiast.  No shock there, right?  He didn't have full sleeves, but if his arms were my refrigerator, my two or three dozen magnets quite nicely distributed about the front of the thing would be like his array of tattoos.

One on his left forearm caught my eye.  It looked like this, and I knew what it was:

It's Mr. Yuk, of course.  It was from a poison awareness Public Service Announcement that played between Saturday morning cartoons in the 70s.  I asked the barista if he was old enough to remember the PSA.  He didn't know what a PSA was, let alone the Mr. Yuk one in particular.  He said he knew its name was Mr. Yuk and that was all.  I suggested he check the spot on YouTube, because I know it's there.  He was a barista.  Meaning, of course, I knew what I could do with my suggestion.  I thanked him for the comped coffee.  I make better coffee at home.

Anyway, like I said, I'm not really into tattoos.  But if I were, I think I'd like to know something about them.  Like who Mr. Yuk the fuck is.

All this being said, I recently found the image that if I were going to get tattooed, would be the image I'd have inked on me:

It's an image from the concept art from the film, Alien.  Specifically, the alien egg pod that has a beastie within it that pops out and causes havok.  What would a tattoo of it mean?

If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.

Tonight - Orbit Room.

whrr ... clik!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

My brain hurts a lot. alt. Stone Dead Forever.


Well hi everybody, and Happy New Year!

I'm about sick of hearing news of brilliant Englishmen dying of cancer.  I'm grateful for Lemmy's, Bowie's and Alan Rickman's talent and the art they shared with the world, but they were felled too young and by a horrible disease.  It's no way to go.

The good news is there are tributes galore out there, and if you're a shut in, there are also tributes galore on the tube, radio and interwebs.  Tune something in!

Tonight - Wooden Nickel

whrr ... clik!