Thursday, November 07, 2002


Thursday, 07 November 2002

I got a car named Piggy and Piggy seems to have a problem counting things. Standard things, like miles. She’s been stuck on 81474 for as long as I’ve known her, and all told, that’s a while. Now she’s not totally given up on counting, as her Trip Odo is s l o w l y counting off something. Two, three, four trips across the Bay Bridge and back and I just notice that the half-four has become a half-five. I have an idea as to what she’s counting: I figure she’s counting the tens of minutes between me cussing out some dipshit driver or another. What? Me cuss out a dipshit driver? You must not never had rode in a car with me up Pine Street.

Tonight we visit Miss Annie. Yea, though we’ve been here before, some folks like to park cars and there’s parking all over this place.

Bring yr pals, I know I will. See you there. bye-ee!

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