Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Say what? Ten A. Oh.

Thursday, 30 October 2003

Well ya can't bark at a return to normalcy. What I mean to say is that things are back to the straight and narrow. Yep. Forward, ever forward. Got some time to do shit now, so's I'm a-doin' it. How 'bout the rest ya? One pal checked in and they're enjoying nice walks along beaches. Others have been gathering fruits and veggies at local markets and cookin' up some feasts. Others still go regularly to bars and get themselves shit-housed. Boy, sure sounds like fun.

Tonight: Sadie's Flying Elephant

Oh hey and: Find the Reference!

C'mon out to the 'derm and wave hello to some and buh-bye to others. Don't miss this on you know what's good for you.

Oh and hey! Radium's Halloween party was one year ago today. Know what that means? I know I do.

whrr ... clik!

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