Thursday, May 13, 2004

40-yard Dash

I stopped off at the coffee hut the other morning on the way to work and got me a large deluxe coffee. Damn but that illy coffee is good. Smooth, it is. A nice change-o-pace from my home-brewed Peet's French Roast ultra-deluxe coffee. Yeh, so I haul that sucker into work and into dailies and dailies lasted only 10 or 15 minutes so I had almost a half-cup left. On my way back to my piece-o-shit Dell machine I passed one of the several coffee closets here. I peeked in and the carafe on the heat was full! This was a surprise as my co-workers seem unable to open a pre-packaged serving of "Institutional Flavor" Starbux, throw it in a fresh filter and hit "Brew." That mini-rant aside, I took notice of my half-large deluxe coffee and thought of topping it off with, well, half-bad coffee. This got me thinking: Would adding a half-cup of bad coffee to a half-cup of good coffee does one make the good coffee half-bad or the bad coffee half-good? I was so perplexed - fundamentally, mind you - by this question I decided to throw it around and see what some other folks thought. I asked my criminally silly pal (who's having a birthday this Saturday) what she thought and she fuckin' sidestepped the problem and said, "Just finish yr coffee ya jerk. Don't top it off w/ nothin'. It ain't a question of making bad good or making good bad, it's a question of why the fuck do you need more coffee you lunatic? Yr bouncing around this office like a monkey and won't stop fucking talking so fast and so goddamn loud the last thing you need is more coffee." Chrissakes! I thought. Is she right? Couldn't be. There's NEVER enough coffee. oh yeh!

Tonight - Kickin' it old-school SOMA: Julie's Supper Club.

Here's tonight's HARD: Find the Reference! You get this one yr special.

Be there or be Alan! I know I will!


whrr ... clik!

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