Thursday, August 12, 2004


Dang but not workin' is great! Here's what I've done:
Washed the floors
Cleaned the shower, ter-let and bathroom sink.
Done three-four loads of wash. And folded 'em.
Gone to the market.
Cooked up dinner: Brussels sauteed in bacon and garlic along w/ Beef Stroganoff.
Cooked up coffee: Pot-a Kona, Pot-a "Ethiopian Fancy" and two Pots-a Costa Rican.
Cooked up a big pot-a baked beans.
Gone off to the gym. Three times.
Washed a VW Golf. Int and Ext.
Washed a Jeep Liberty. Int and Ext.
Watered a bunch of plants.
Paid a bunch of bills.
Took a shitload of ... uh ... shit to Goodwill.
Returned a bunch of ... uh ... shit to the Ikea and Home Depot.
Like I said: Not workin' is soooooo great.

Tonight - Kickin' it Mission Street w/ Jesus: Latin American Club.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Dang if you missed last week you missed Susan Dynamite. You eeeediot!


whrr ... clik!

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