Thursday, September 30, 2004


Sometimes the inspiration for a Venue Announcement strikes at a moment when I'm not able to write it out so I leave little clues or keywords on scraps of paper to remind me what to write later. Often I'll lose these post-its and whatnot, sometimes never to find them and at other times finding them and having no idea what the hell they mean. Take for example the note I found yesterday:

"Boathouse - waterdog - pay toilet"

"L. Wong driving school"

"Elke Sommer - palm tree - fistfight"

This one was so cryptic it took me a second to realize it was VA notes. I have no idea what they mean. Dunno where I was going to take them.

So anyway ... if there's one thing I love, it's how the English swear. I've mentioned before that it tickles me to death to hear English folks proclaim "Fucking Hell" and "Bollocks to you!" I have discovered, in my advanced age, that them crazy folks from Down Under swear real nice too. If you want to hear a real-live Aussie swear in real-life, please come to the meeting tonight and you'll meet one. That's right, a List Member is bringing one for show-and-tell. I promise I can make her swear. Oh, and she wants to go to Annie's.

Tonight - Annie's.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!

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