Thursday, November 11, 2004


"Thank god for T -N-S-C is the first thing I say,
When I'm jumpin' outta bed
At the start of every day."

It's the truth! I'm starting to think that few people outside the membership of the venerable TNSC have any clue at all! Sure, Alton Brown ain't a List Member, but he's one of the few exceptions and anyway he would join if he lived in this area.

Couple things got me thinking about what a bunch of slack-jawed idiots most folks are. One thing, and you prolly see this coming, is the outcome of last Tuesday's Electrocution. My ballot had a space for a write-in candidate, but it had a declaration that anyone writing in "Any frikkin' monkey in the National Zoo" would be sent directly to GitMo and so I didn't write that in even though it was exactly what I had planned to write. Word-for-word.

I got another indicator of how fucking stupid people are. I'm currently selling an item on the eBay. Let's say it's a car. So I set up the auction by writing a description: Robin's egg-blue 1979 AMC Hornet Sportabout. 4-door, 4-cylindar, 666,000 miles. Robin's egg-blue vinyl interior, mint condition. AM radio. ONE OWNER. COMPLETE, METICULOUS MAINTENANCE RECORDS from 1979-2004 and original owner's manual included. 2004 smog certificate. Blue book value $6.50. Reserve half that. Pictures of car and scans of documents available. Opening price $1.

Right, so there's the eBay item. For all to bid upon. I was expecting a few people to contact me and request the scans and the photos. A few did. However, MOST people who asked questions came up with questions like this:

What color is it?

How many miles?

What is your reserve?

Is there an owner's manual?

What kind of material is the interior?

Is there a radio?

I'm really beside myself. I can't figure it out. Did they read the description? If they did, their questions were answered. If there had been one question like this, I'd politely tell them as much. But there were 15 - 20 fuckups asking "it a two-door or four-door?" I swear, calling them doorknobs is a disservice to the knobs on doors.

Help us, Jeebus.

Tonight - Shanghai Kelly's.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Robot's brother's birthday is this week and he chose the bar. C'mon in outta the rain and have a bevvy. I know I will. See you there!

Props to MC 900 Ft. Jesus for the song lyrics.


whrr ... clik!

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