Thursday, May 12, 2005

The little sneak!

If it were not for the deluxe lady I got my life would be sadly devoid of thrills these days and I know it. I can easily imagine my day-in, day-out if she weren't around to yell at me and it would be MONOTONY: Get up, go to work, come home, water lawn, have drinks, go to bed. Repeat M-F, throw in a few Cubs losses and that's it. yep!
Have discovered a small, almost insignificant treat that kinda rules, and I'm gonna have to remember it next time she's outta town.
A couple weeks back I told ya a couple storys about the Electric-aire restroom hand dryers. The storys aside, I got a love-hate relationship with them when I'm forced to use one. I hate that they take so goddamn long to dry one's hands, but I love the magic moment when the warm air so perfectly dries the last, minute amounts of water and leaves truly dry hands - not towelled, not 'moist' - dry. That's the only benefit of the hour it takes to use one them things.
So ... the thing that I've discovered that kinda rules is this: Lately, after washing my hands in the restroom at work, I paper towel-off the water, chuck the soggy nap into the trash - AND FINISH WITH THE ELECTRIC-AIRE. It's like cutting to the front of the beer line. It's like getting something for nothing. It's like having yr cake and eating it too.

Tonight - Hemlock Tavern.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Chicken balls.


whrr ... clik!

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