Thursday, February 09, 2006

Tony & Lee's

I was reading craigslist's events page this morning, as I do every morning, and a very strange listing caught my eye. Have a look: link.

I tell ya, I was thinking the very same thing! I often use the herky-jerky, run/walk, trip, slide and general look of a drunk leaving a bar to puke on a dumpster 'round back when I'm soberly walking to the bus depot. I do it for kicks. I do it to make myself laugh. I've forgotten how rewarding it is do do when actually smashed. It's how the whole thing got started: My roommate Phil and I went to a bar in Chicago and got into a heated pool tournament with a toothless, midget Eskimo named Adolph (no lie) and in the process I got so tanked I not only puked on the dumpster I puked on the El on the way home. yay!

The way the evenings have been lately tonight should be great! I hate to say it, but a TNSC meeting should be held outdoors in weather like this. Who feels like drunk-scuttling? I know I do.

Tonight - Zeitgeist.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!

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