Thursday, July 27, 2006


everybody's got vices and I figure I got my share and perhaps a few others'. (I do know how to express plurals and possessives with use (or desuetude) of apostrophes, goddemmit.) I drink and swear a lot. Enough for a couple fellas for sure. I don't pick fights much or hit women much, but I blow good cash on comic books, expensive cheese and bad pr0n. Sometimes I don't bathe for days and sometimes I leave the catbox far too long unattended.

My little wife is pretty saintly in comparison. She's clean, kempt and courteous. She's not a teetotaler, mind you. She prefers "quality" over "quantity." She has got a bad problem, though, bordering on a vice: She's powerful fond of tabloids.

She doesn't go for the "World Weekly News" or the "Sun" or the "Inquirer," no, she prefers her tabloid glossy, staple-bound and high-brow. She goes for "Us" and "People."

I've had a chance to paw through one or two of these rags while, uh, "immobilized," and jesus I don't get it. Who cares what those mopes (celebrities) are up to? JLo's shopping at a gun store. Wow. Jen's back on the meth. Oh my. Tom and that slut ate their baby. Big shit. Page after page of who's who in Hollywood, rock, hiphop or whatever. Got me thinking: "Us?" "People?" If I were the publisher and I was in touch with a little thing some call REALITY, I'd notice my tabloid magazines were inappropriately named. "People" would be better named as "Rich & Famous People Candidly Photographed In Santa Monica By Our Paparazzi And Whose Activity Was Speculated Upon By Our Staff Of Writers." It's a mouthful, but it's more accurate. My wife's other fave, "Us," is really poorly named. Us? Brad Pitt, that whore and me? Us? No way. They ain't us. Renamed: "Them."

Tonight - It's the last Thursday of the month. That means The Homestead. 19th and Folsom, SF.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference! Winner gets a prize.


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

79 degrees and holding (REDUX)

One week later, and our weather is still holding. A testament to the phenomenon of global warming, I'm sure. I spent the past 4 days in LA and I have to say that it was colder there (at least "Westside") than it is here. When it's this nice out, it's really hard to beat the view from Potrero Hill. And what better "local" can one find than Bloom's Saloon?

Beer, P-Hill locals, and all of your favorite TNSC cast members will be there. Pray that the back deck is open.

See you there!! I know I'll be!!!


Linkey-Loo Robot -

Thursday, July 13, 2006

79 degrees and holding

Linkey-loo™ Robot stepping in again, as the "head honcho" is currently incapacitated at a job interview in Hollywood, and will soon be stuck (again) in traffic for the ride back to Venice. I gave him one bit of advice....don't eat garlic prior to the interview.

And speaking of about that great weather we're having?!? Whenever the weather turns nice here in San Francisco, I always want to spend Thursday nights outdoors at Zeitgeist!!! Dozens of microbrews, outdoor BBQ, hotel accommodations (who knew?), and all of your favorite TNSC cast members.

See you there!! I know I'll be!!!


Linkey-Loo Robot -

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Li Po

Go on over to Li Po's tonight to meet yr fellow List Members but be sure to bring a jacket because the calendar says it's July and if ya do the math (San Francisco + July) ya get chilly and I don't mean the bowl of red.

Tonight - Li Po's.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Li Po's. Li Po's. Li Po's. Li Po's. Li Po's. Li Po's. Li Po's. Li Po's.


whrr ... clik!