Thursday, January 25, 2007

Faithful goat.

Hello teenage America.
Anyone sick? Seems everyone around me at work is getting the flu and I ain't happy about that cuz them viruses can migrate. My normal anti-viral defense of boozin' it up is takin' a breather (went a bit too far last Sunday when Da Bears won the NFC Championship game). So what's a guy to do to keep the yeasty-beasties at bay? Drink coffee! That's right, my folk-medicine approach to stayin' healthy is drowning the bugs in hot coffee. Heat kills. Acid kills. So ya had too much and yr jittery? Ride a bike! So ya had too much and you get the runs? There go them baddies out the tailpipe! I tell ya, I've been drinking loads of coffee and so far, so good. If yr a puss like me and don't like shots (unless the nurse is a hottie), fuel up and top off with Juan Valdez's favorite treat: COFFEE

Tonight - The Homestead.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Patrick wah!

In LA, if you're not on the phone, you must have left your phone at home. Mebbe dropped it in the pool when you were helping Brittany out of it and it's water-logged. Perhaps on your weekend in Vegas it was chewed by Sigfried's giant white goat. Mebbe it was confiscated by TSA. Low bat? Dead bat? SOMETHING is wrong with it, it is lost or stolen or left at home. If none-of-the-above: You're talking on it.
If you're driving, you're on the phone.
If you're parking, you're on the phone.
If you're executing a three-point-turn on Main St., you're on the phone.
If you're washing your car, you're on it.
If you're shopping for a car, test-driving a car, totalling a car, detailing a car, installing a car stereo in a car, stealing a car stereo from a car - you're on the phone.
If you're walking a dog, you're on the phone.
If you're walking twenty dogs, you're on the phone.
If you're skateboarding, windboarding, rollerskating, inline skating, biking or jogging, you're on the phone.
If you're carrying a TV, you're on the phone.
If you're shopping, dining or picking up take-out, you're on the phone.
I promise you ... if you are in LA and if your phone is charged and on your person, you are talking on it. No shit.

Tonight - Annie's Social Club.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Ya should have gotten the announcement earlier this week regarding the fantastic event tonight.
Here's a repost of Linkey Loo's email (Damn I wish I could go):

In an effort to combat this week's extremely chilly weather, TNSC is will be heating things up
at this Thursday's meeting with the help of "Bombshell Betty" and her gang of friends. Our
old friend Annie, from "Annie's Social Club" (I think she owes us kickback for co-opting our
club name) is presenting a Pajama Party, complete with music courtesy of "Lucifer's Old-
Timey Strip Club Band".

I'm giving you guys warning as there is a sliding-scale cover charge ($8-$12). I have no idea on what the scale is calibrated by, but every cent ensures a good time will be had by all.

Hopefully see you guys this Thursday, January 18th at:

Annie's Social Club
917 Folsom St. (x 5th)

Doors at 8pm. Show at 9pm.
**Pajamas and lingerie encouraged. (Betty said that, not me)


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Some of the things I do bother those around me. Ask my little wife. She has the dubious honor of being subjected to both my relentless teasing and silliness, but also my annoying habits, behavior and mannerisms. She's a brave trooper.
Some of the things I do even bother me! I have to admit that my pea-brain comes up with some really irritating things. For example, since moving to LA, I've taken to noting which celebrity nearly ran me over on the street, and what kind of car they were driving at the time. Don't believe me? Here's my list just from this young year of 2007.

Connie Chung in a grey Prius.
Anton Levay in a tan Volvo.
Connie Chung in a white Tundra.
Magic Johnson in a blue Beetle.
Carl Reiner in a black Merc.
Bill Cosby in a brown Scion.
That grrrl from LOST in a white BMW.
Connie Chung in a panel van.
Chris Rock in a greenish Saturn.
George Clinton on a Harley.

One would think that Connie Chung and I are neighbors. Think again: My only neighbor is a half-naked 2yr old who crayolas my front door and scares my cats.

Tonight - Club Deluxe.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

"Sparkly Devil" is a new performer tonight, apparently.
Show starts at 10:00, but get there early for warm-up cocktails and a good seat!


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Arse in all.

First thing I did this New Year is got drunk. Second thing is I got my blast on. Them two kinda sound like the same thing but in this tale they ain't: I boozed up and shot guns.

Some might not think these the wisest pals to pair up. Hotdogs and mustard, yes. Miller Lites and pistols, no. Bowling and beers, hell yes. Rifles and Coors, er ... no. But damn it all, I did it anyway and actually hit something ... twice.

The best part of the whole experience is that the truck I rode around in that day was one of the strangest, best, most unbelieveable things I have ever seen. On the outside it looked like a normal working pickup completely covered in mud and with its bed full of tools and beercans. On the inside was something out of Snake Pliskin's SUV: floor-to-ceiling guns and ammo. I mean it, I've been in gun stores before but I ain't ever seen this much ordinance. Rifles, shotguns and pistols were everywhere. On the rack, on the floor below the rack, on the seat, on the dash, beneath the seat, beneath the dash, in the glove box, crammed in next to the shifter! Then ther e was the ammo: There were full and half-full boxes of bigfuckin' high caliber rifle shells, slugs, shotgun shells of varying guages and thousands upon thousands of loose bullets and brass. Little, big, pointy, hollow-pointy ... it was awesome. They were everywhere.
The fucking STELLAR dude who owned the truck was drunk, sharpening his chainsaw and listening to AC/DC when we pulled up. My hero.

Tonight - 500 Club.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Happy New Year to y'all if ya believe that shit. Oh, and remember, 500 Club is cash-money only.


whrr ... clik!