Thursday, August 02, 2007

Photo boof.

I don't have a lot to say today, but I have a fun post nevertheless. My home email address is very simple and Apple-based, as it is provided by my membership to their dot-mac service. What with the proliferation of Apple Stores around the country, and their internet-enabled "hands-on" demonstration computers laying around within, it wasn't a total surprise that when the camera-enabled computers came around that some snapshots got emailled to me from the store. Call it Spam if you like, but after a few came through I started to save and enjoy them. Here they are, for your amusement. Strangers w/ Apples. Mebbe it's a bug. Mebbe it's marketing. I don't care. I like the snaps.

Tonight - Tosca.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!

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