Thursday, May 08, 2008

Great Tits

If I watch "Dancing with the Stars" and "Big Brother" and really like McCain and really love KFC and Subway and think George W. is cool and don't know what it's like to feel and act and think like a person that's not a fucking jerk, then I might drive a truck that has a giant tank on it along with a vacuum and go around clearin' sewerpipes and port-o-lets and people's clogged septic tanks.

And I might drive this truck down a residential street at top speed so I can catch up to the lone bicyclist on that street, only to apply the brakes when I'm just ahead of him or her and thoroughly but THOROUGHLY gas him or her the fuck OUT with the sewage stench from the tank and tubes and truck and parts.

If I'm not that guy, I might be the other guy. The guy on the bike.

Tonight - Club Deluxe.

Says Linkey Loo Robot:
"it's Little Minsky's 3rd Anniversary show where there will be 2x as many pasties as there are performers"


whrr ... clik!

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