Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wife beater.

Since ranting a few weeks back about severely disliking non-professional internet reviews and comments of or about items, services, media and such, I've actually found myself reading more of them. Interesting to me is that I while some still irritate, some now amuse.

I've taken to really enjoying the kind of comment that starts with completely bullshit statement that has nothing to do with the issue at hand that instead attacks the other commentators. Here's an example: In a story about a former teacher that was convicted of planting threatening notes around a grade school for children and staff to find, many "regular folk" felt the urge to chime in and say, "what a sicko," and "I don't feel bad for her cuz she's a psycho" and the like. I've come to love the person that then chimes in with, "I guess you're all perfect and never made a mistake." I don't get where this urge to throw a mirror in people's faces and say, "yeah, well look at YOU, motherfucker, she may have derailed a train but you're not so great" comes from. What is it? Some Christian value? If so, I'm not sure Christian values are all that great.

Tonight - Homestead.

I removed the Rant Section because I think the engine died. It ain't there anymore at any rate.


whrr ... clik!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess the comments do work!