Thursday, August 28, 2008


The weather is funky down here in LA by the beach. I coulda sworn it was rainy weather last night but I knew that was impossible as it never rains here in these months. We DID have some cool lightning a week or so ago - there was a big storm out over the bay/ocean and it was so high up we could see it pretty clearly. It was so damn far away, one could chug-a-lug a Miller High Life™ and open another between the time of the lightning and the thunder.

One time many years ago, a pal and I took some "medicine" and went to look for a high (get it) spot to watch a lightening storm in the desert hick-town I grew up in. We found a church. The place was lousy with churches. We scaled a fence, climbed a wall and I gave her a boost to get on the actual roof of the thing. You guessed it ... we got as close to the highest spot on the roof - the cross - to watch lightning. Shut up ... we were medicated. So as I was boosting her up, she somehow dug her bare foot (roger that: bare feet to boot) into a vent pipe of some sort and began bleeding all over the church roof. We had fun and wiped her bloody foot all over and in the process, got blood all over ourselves. The rain, accompanying the lightning storm and light till now, began to harden as the storm intensified and got closer. We took a clue and got down and went back to the party we had left. We walked in and, soaking wet and covered - literally - with blood, gave our pals a fright. Curious to us was that while our pals liked to fuck shit up, they didn't find it kinda cool and fun to look like Carrie after the prom. They made us clean up.

The gal and I ain't pals anymore, in case yr wondering. I'm friends with the rest of that groop still, though.

Tonight - Homestead.


whrr ... clik!

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