Thursday, June 18, 2009

Oscar Mayer


I'm not even a fan of the NBA anymore, and I shouldn't care, but this Lakers victory celebration seemed to me a joke on a colossal scale. First, I didn't hear a car horn, a yelp from a fan, a bottle rocket's report, a .38's report, a house party's eruption into elation upon their NBA Championship ... nothing. I heard not a thing from my apartment in Venice. Yeah, sure, they "really tore it up downtown," but having lived in a city when its team won the NBA Championship, ya don't need to be downtown or close to the stadium to celebrate. I was 15-20 miles north of Chicago Stadium when da Bulls won one of their championship series and we tore it up. We drank beers, banged pots and pans together, detonated M-80s and menaced a stalled cop car. It was great. It was city-wide.

Second, I've always hated the Lakers, even when I liked the NBA.

Now, I watch to tsk the obvious cheating in NBA games. I watch to ... er ... I don't watch NBA games anymore. It's too stupid. It's also stupid that I can hear the drum circle from the beach that's over a mile away but couldn't hear one little hint that the local team just brought home the cup. I think its stupid, but don't mistake that for caring.

Tonight - Edinburgh Castle.


whrr ... clik!

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