Thursday, September 24, 2009

Eminent Domain


I got the Movin'-In Blues.

My little wife, Ez and I moved into a little house in the Mar Vista neighborhood of Los Angeles. It's a several steps up and to the side of our apartment which I continue to call "Broadway." (The new place is called "house.")

This part of Mar Vista (which I call "Sea View",) is mostly single-family homes and schools. Not a lot of markets or churches or busstops or, it seems, sidewalks. "House" is on a corner, and only one street edge of the two street edges has a sidewalk. Weird Beard. No lack of sidewalk will stop the denizens of Sea View from walking on the area a normal street-edge sidewalk would normally appear, though, and this has drawbacks: Ruffians in my yard!

Not that at this point in time it's much of a yard. The previous tenants didn't water it and there seems to have been a tree in the middle of it at some point and the only vestige of it is an oddly-shaped shallow hole. It's certainly not a lawn.

I was reclining in the living room Sunday and through the front door screen I saw a woman walk her dog through my yard ... she cut the corner of the sidewalk-side to the no-sidewalk-side pretty dramatically and came only a few feet from my door. I popped up and said, "Hel-lo?" To which she replied, "Hi," and went about her walk. I wanted to say, "I didn't say 'Hello,' you skank, I said, 'Hel-lo?' As in, "What the Hel-lo are you doing three feet from my front door? This ain't a public highway, you know."

So, with visions of a piranha-filled moat, concertina wire, claymore mines, a staked pitbull, punji sticks, vietcong-style mantraps and a good-old whitewashed picket fence danced in my head, I plan my strategy of dealing with the neighborhood in my yard. Stay tuned for developments.

Tonight - Annie's Social Club.


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

MTV---------------------------------------------Get off the air!


-> --------------------------------------------> Tonight - Zeitgeist.


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, September 10, 2009



I lived in this courtyard bldg in Chicago ... I was at one end of the horseshoe and one night - long after midnight - this racket erupts from the middle of the U ... I came to learn it was the song "Sexy MF" by the one-and-only Prince.

Srsly ... when the lyrics "You sexy motherfucker" emit from the inky black of night at high volume in high fidelity, asleep or not, it will get your attention.

Nothing else was going on. No lights coming from the place. No party going on. Just darkness and the dulcet tones of perhaps the raunchiest of raunchy Prince songs.

I have to believe someone was getting it on.

Tonight - "Two-fer Thursday" Starting off w/ Bingo at The Knockout, followed by $5 Makers Mark Manhattans (and other stuff) at the Argus Lounge.

See you there!!


whrr ... clik!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

How do I love thee?


School's going fine, thanks for asking. But like you might remember, sometimes homework assignments requires one to enlist a little help. This was the case last night.

The assignment was one of my progressive school's typical assignments: A theme and a random subject. The theme was "Explain the Five-Step Process," and the random subject - which I chose by drawing a slip of paper from a hat with the subjects written on them - was "Rocking Out." The Lords of Random smiled on me was my initial thought, as I'm a champ at rocking out. Then I tried to explain my process and got stuck.

"Step One," I wrote, "Suck down several domestic lights." Fair enough, I thought, It is a typical beginning to a Rock-Out event. "Step Two: Don Headphones." I received a great set of Sennheisers from my little wife for Christmas a few years back and they're essential to a great Rock-Out. "Three: Flick on iTunes and Faders Up!!!" That was it. I looked at my Five-Stepper and noted I'd come up with three steps. Shit. I scribbled in, "Four: Hit play and commence rocking," but then erased it. I knew my instructor pretty well and could see that lame step four getting the dreaded red circle around it with a comment not unlike, "Hitting play and commencing to rock are connoted by yr expression "faders up" in Step Three. I needed to ace this assignment to keep up with Matt Baffoe, my main rival in the class.

I toyed around with a few other Step Fours, and, with a really shaky Four, proceeded to a really lame Five, but after having my previously mentioned little wife read them, ditched back to my solid Three Step Process when she tsked and walked off.

I was stuck. Little wife was through helping so I did the only other natural thing: I asked the guy who doesn't speak English.

"Ez," I said, "what is the five-step process to rocking out?" He looked at me for a moment then marched off down the hall. I followed. I observed. I took notes. I refined my notes and reviewed. He nailed it:

Tonight - Sutter Street Station.

** Due to this evening's Bay Bridge closure, this venue is TNSC-certified "BART-friendy", for all of our East Bay members ** (I said "member"... heh...)


whrr ... clik!