Thursday, September 03, 2009

How do I love thee?


School's going fine, thanks for asking. But like you might remember, sometimes homework assignments requires one to enlist a little help. This was the case last night.

The assignment was one of my progressive school's typical assignments: A theme and a random subject. The theme was "Explain the Five-Step Process," and the random subject - which I chose by drawing a slip of paper from a hat with the subjects written on them - was "Rocking Out." The Lords of Random smiled on me was my initial thought, as I'm a champ at rocking out. Then I tried to explain my process and got stuck.

"Step One," I wrote, "Suck down several domestic lights." Fair enough, I thought, It is a typical beginning to a Rock-Out event. "Step Two: Don Headphones." I received a great set of Sennheisers from my little wife for Christmas a few years back and they're essential to a great Rock-Out. "Three: Flick on iTunes and Faders Up!!!" That was it. I looked at my Five-Stepper and noted I'd come up with three steps. Shit. I scribbled in, "Four: Hit play and commence rocking," but then erased it. I knew my instructor pretty well and could see that lame step four getting the dreaded red circle around it with a comment not unlike, "Hitting play and commencing to rock are connoted by yr expression "faders up" in Step Three. I needed to ace this assignment to keep up with Matt Baffoe, my main rival in the class.

I toyed around with a few other Step Fours, and, with a really shaky Four, proceeded to a really lame Five, but after having my previously mentioned little wife read them, ditched back to my solid Three Step Process when she tsked and walked off.

I was stuck. Little wife was through helping so I did the only other natural thing: I asked the guy who doesn't speak English.

"Ez," I said, "what is the five-step process to rocking out?" He looked at me for a moment then marched off down the hall. I followed. I observed. I took notes. I refined my notes and reviewed. He nailed it:

Tonight - Sutter Street Station.

** Due to this evening's Bay Bridge closure, this venue is TNSC-certified "BART-friendy", for all of our East Bay members ** (I said "member"... heh...)


whrr ... clik!

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