Thursday, January 21, 2010



So... since it's been raining for what seems like weeks on-end, TNSC management has decided to embrace this inclement weather with a trip to The Orbit Room. One can't beat 15-foot high floor to ceiling windows with a view of a damp and bustling Market Street passing one by. One can't not admire the Vespas and the Vespa lads and lasses. One can't not hope for a weather-related wreck to unfold in the strange intersection splayed out before them. One can't not want to nick the ancient airline bags adorning the west wall. One can't not hope to see Vile Richard and wag a finger at him. One can't bum a ride there off Susanna or Jimi or Colleen - or as some of you know her - "ColTrans."

One can't not try every cocktail on the menu, and eventually settle on the "Poker Face."

One can't not fuck with the bartender's art.

Tonight - The Orbit Room.


whrr ... clik!

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