Thursday, March 18, 2010

ED-Gar! BASE-Ball!


Solo Baseball Story #1

The year is 1979. The Capital Electric Bears is having baseball practice and a young TNSC Robot is called upon to play the catcher position. TNSC Robot at any age wasn't into playing catcher and on that hot, dusty day in '79 tried to impart that fact onto his coach but his coach wasn't hearing any of it. So I threw on the mask, grabbed the mitt and squatted. Coach, sporting his brand-new CASIO digital watch (which he demoed the alarm AND the stopwatch modes to the team only moments earlier) took the umpire's position behind me.

The first batter, our best player, hit every pitch he got. Which was good for me, as I shut my eyes tight every time he swung the bat. The second batter ended my stint at playing catcher, but not they way you might think. He fouled the first pitch off. It went straight back and, not closing my eyes this first time, stuck out a hand to catch it. It went over my outstretched mitt and whizzed straight at my unprotected coaches face! Defensively, he raised up his hands and, you guessed it, deflected the foul with his brand-new CASIO digital watch. It died, but it died messy. It's CASIO-tones went haywire, emitting a constant bee-dee-dee-deedlee zap zap garble garble beep deep beep zzzap ... my god it was funny. It's LCD was shattered and bled black gunk all over. Coach took what must have been an immediate $300 or $400 loss (it was 1979, mind you) in stride. He removed the watch, placed it on home plate, took the bat out of the batter's hands and smashed the CASIO into oblivion.

I played the outfield after that.

Then I drew green mustaches and beards on everyone.

Tonight - Bacchus Kirk.


whrr ... clik!

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