Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tolerant Culver City


There are many times I wish I still lived in SF. One reason, the TNSC met every week. Two, walking everywhere yielded a lot of great (dumb) Venue Announcement rants. Here in LA, although I do a lot of walking, it's residential walking and doesn't teem with things thrilling enough to write about. So I'm stuck writing about my kid. And sometimes, I find some fucking asshole to write about.

Like today! I'm driving Ez back from the park, and I come to a stop sign. I stop. There are two fucking cunts (I'd find this out in a minute) out on a dog walk on one corner, one with their back to the intersection, and the other talking to her. I see them and judge they're not crossing. Wrong! As I start to go, the one with her back to me steps out in front of me. I stop, and when she gives me a dirty look, I pop the horn at her. She starts to talk and I cut her off:

"You need to take a better approach at not getting run over, lady. Do it for your dog's sake if you don't care about yourself."

"I looked!"

"You spun around and started going! Are you trying to get hit? If I wasn't paying a lot of attention, you would have just been hit."

"No, I was looking at my dog."

"How is that making sure cars are stopping?"

"God bless you. Have a good day," she concluded.

"Spare me. Be more careful," I said. Then I checked to see if I was clear to proceed through the stop sign and cunt #2 was flipping me off. She had a knit hat, scarf, mittens and jogging suit on. She looked like one of the Sand People from Star Wars.

"No thanks, freakshow," I said, "and mind your own business, Creepy."

Tonight - The House of Shields.

whrr ... clik!

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