Thursday, May 31, 2012


I wasn't listening to, but heard anyway a radio interview with The First Lady, Michelle Obama.  She was talking about nutrition and groceries and such and how many inner-city people have a hard time getting healthy food.  The grocery stores were few and far between and the bodegas had only junk food.  It sounded like it would suck to be in that situation.  It was a place, as she called it, a food desert.

I said I heard it but wasn't listening, and I know this because the story crept into my wee little brain, changed itself and took shape as a dream.  Or rather, a NIGHTMARE!!

It went:  I was trudging along through the day and 5:30 in the PM hit and I did what normal people do:  Went to get a drink.  Except there were no icy-cold domestic lights in the fridge.  There was no booze in the liquor cabinet and no semi-frozen Vitamin-V in the freezer.  I looked at google maps and there were no bars within 100 miles.  I called the grocery stores and the beer deliveries had not been delivered.

It was cocktail hour and I found myself in a booze desert.  Nooo!

(A fitting footnote to this stupid story:  My local bar in Chicago was called "The Oasis."  Get it?)

Tonight - Homestead.

whrr ... clik!

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