Thursday, April 25, 2013

Elfy Aladdinballs


If you've ever gone to an art supply store and looked around, you know that art supplies are really fuckin' expensive.  Paint, markers, paper, clay ... all that stuff costs big bucks.  It's no wonder that lots of artists are broke because they spend all their moo-la on supplies.

I went to the Blix art supply store the other day and bought some resin.  I aim to coat some "Batarangs" I cut out of styrofoam sheets.  I did a test on some scrap styro as I've never worked with this kind of resin before and the test went well.  It was a bit messy, but I prepared for a mess so cleanup was a breeze.

I did, however, overestimate how much resin I needed to mix up and had some left over.  I realized that I still had a mold I'd made out of some OTHER resin the last time I fucked around with the stuff and quickly snagged it, dusted it off and poured the excess goop into it.  I waited the suggested 72 hours before I de-molded it and it turned out well!  Check it:

I made it from this sketch I did many years ago on a note to make three 3/4" dubs of KLCK 3103 and send them to Bonnie at Leo Burnett (she was on the 15th floor, yo).

I need to make a cig and some legs for the little fucker to finish it.  Then I send it to someone.  Maybe Phil.  (The other Phil.)

Tonight - The Homestead.

whrr ... clik!

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