The other day the wheels came off. LITERALLY.
Ez had plenty of protection - gloves, knee pads, elbow pads, shoes and a helmet - so I took the training wheels off his bike. It almost didn't happen, however, but a very kind act by a very nice guy saved the day.
Ez and I wheeled over to the school parking lot. He on his training wheels and me on the clown bike (20" wheels). I brought along a socket wrench to remove the trainers and did so while he donned his pads. As we were about to start, we heard a voice:
"Sorry guys, you can't bike here." A guy with a orange vest, an ID on a lanyard and a walkie was approaching.
I said, "Really?"
"I'm afraid so," he said, "we had a bike get hit by a car recently so bikes are now forbidden. It's an insurance thing. I just had to run off some skate boarders and rollerbladers, too."
I said, "Can't we go waaaay over there into the corner where there isn't anybody?"
"I'm sorry," he said.
"Dang," I said, "what a world we live in. Can't walk to school, can't bike in the school parking lot ..."
"I know," he said, "I'm sorry."
I told Ez to hang on a sec because I had to reattach his training wheels so we could leave.
"Wait," he said, "is this what I think it is? Is today THE DAY?"
I said yes.
He didn't even hesitate. "Okay, I haven't seen you yet. If you go waaaaay over there into the corner where there isn't anybody and stay right around there, I won't see you because I don't look over there."
I said, "Super! Thanks! We don't see you either! C'mon, Ez!"
And this is the result:
Tonight - Virgil's Sea Room. brand new!! (formerly Nap's)
You can read more about it here.
Experience it before everyone else does.
whrr ... clik!
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