Thursday, October 24, 2013

Boo! Hisssss!


Last week I harvested my Habañero plant, chopped up the peppers, cooked them down and once cooled, blended the be-jesus out of them with some white vinegar and a bit of salt.

Then I sterilized two half-pint jars in my pressure cooker.  I usually sterilize in boiling water, but since steam is hotter than boiling water, why not use the pressure cooker?  Once sterilized, I ladeled in the death sauce, lidded, banded and then chucked them back in the pressure cooker.  Dang but that fearsome device is fun!

I was fully in the pressure cooker (PC) swing, so I re-hydrated some dried pinto beans, grilled some meat, opened some cans and sauteed some onions and garlic.  I chopped up the grilled beast and chucked ALL the stuff back into the PC.  I've never made chili in a PC, but I was feelin' it.

Guess what?  The chili was great!

Guess what else?  The habañero sauce is REALLY REALLY HOT.  A frikkin' DROP of the stuff is hot enough to make ya cry.  So I think I'm gonna unseal the half-pints, sterilize some test tubes and distribute smaller portions to beloved friends of robot.


Tonight - Tosca!

whrr ... clik!

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