Thursday, December 04, 2014

Def Leppard (REDUX)


(an oldie-but goodie TNSC venue announcement from this day, 14 years ago)

All things considered, I suppose I'm a bit of a kleptomaniac; I love fire. I was ... wait. Kleptomaniac? It's not kleptomaniac. Nymphomaniac. That's it. Nympho- ... what the hell is going here? It's not klepto, it's not nympho. It's ... dang it ... I can't think what ... whataminute! I got it! PYROMANIAC! P-Y-R-O-M-A-N-I-A-C. Right! I'm a bit of a PYRO-maniac because I love fire. I don't like setting things on fire, mind you, (except for a pyramid of Kingsford™ briquettes!) but I'm fascinated by the sight of "all things ablaze!" Alan was just staring out the window and I looked where he was looking. Some dude across the street had a torch and he was dicking around with roof tar. Spittin' fire, burnin' tar, outside, beautiful morning – what a life! I sure would like a job that had somethin' to do with fire other than corny names for special effects software from Canada. I would love it if we could have a fire in a 55 gallon oil barrel and have it out by the coffee machine. Think about it: Wake up, ride to work, get a coffee and stand around the flaming barrel jawing with coworkers. Sounds pretty sweet. The only thing better would be: Sleep in, stay home, drink a pot of coffee and do nothing until you're damn good and ready. And when you're damn good and ready, why not go here tonight:

Tonight - The Homestead

"Why there?" you may ask.  "It's not the last Thursday of the month!!" 

One - because the last Thursday of the last 2 months of 2014 are occupied by holidays.

Two - because the TNSC founding robot is in town and that's where he's called the meeting.  If any of you have never met him, come on out and do so in person.  If you have met him before, you know that you'll be there.

whrr ... clik!

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