Thursday, May 28, 2015

Weiner Circle of Hell


Last night was Ez's last 5-pitch baseball game of the season.  Would you believe it - the Rockhounds went 0-0-20.  The weird part is that all the other teams - the River Bandits, the Storm, the Muckdogs, the Tree Squirrels, the Pond Scum, the Swamp Gas, the Corner Bars and the Bark Beetles - all tied all their games too!  That hasn't happened since LAST SEASON.

By the way, "5-pitch" baseball isn't really what it sounds like.  It's more like, "about five pitches, more or less, extras if the coach can't pitch, extras if the kid has never played T-ball (which should be a prerequisite, seeing how some of these kids swing), and extras if the kid can hit, but just isn't for whatever reason (read:  trying to hit a dinger).

Anyway, the League maintains a snack bar and I had discovered a few weeks ago that they knew how to make hot dogs (burn 'em and toast or steam the bun) and the fries were crispy and good.  So going into last night's game, I knew that dinner was going to be a dog.

About the 16th inning (the game was deadlocked, 55 all) I decided to quiet my roaring stomach and go get dinner.  I ordered three dogs, one with ketchup only (YUK but Ez likes it), two with only mustard and onions and fries, extra crispy, please.

Order 19 was called out at the pickup window.  My number.  I snagged it, snagged some napkins and looked down in horror at my order:

... there is ketchup on the two with mustard and onions.  I took the above picture and threw the whole tray to the seagulls.

Tonight - The Homestead   Bring your pals!!!

whrr ... clik!

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