Thursday, June 18, 2015

19.07 g/cc (REDUX)

6.3.2014  (originally posted this meeting day, 2001)

I sometimes wonder how I'm gonna buy the farm. Whether it's Old Man Ebola virus, or Old Man Earthquake or simply Old Man Father Time. I don't mope around all day thinking morbid thoughts, but every now and again I think of the inevitability of me kicking the bucket. It's strange, though: While one is helpless to avoid dying, one can do certain things to prolong life and keep one's mortality at bay. Some folks will say that, for example, quitting smoking will save your life. Sure. Others suggest that a healthy diet and regular exercise is the key to longevity. Why not? I got my own secret that I'm willing to share. I stay alive by avoiding them Cee-Ment Mixers. Those suckers cruise the streets at about a million miles per and with a load of concrete they can punch through a mountainside. Have you heard of depleted uranium? The Army uses it in the bullets they shoot from some of their planes. It's sorta radioactive and it's incredibly dense and with enough velocity it can penetrate armor-plating (read tanks) like butter. I figure cement mixers are kinda like depleted uranium bullets. There ain’t no stoppin’ them. I’m surprised there aren’t more of them wreckin’ into things around here. So you want some advice from me for long livin’ … you see a cement mixer – go the other way. You ought only to be watching its taillights disappear.

News: Jeremy, watch your step on the way to the bar. Don't reenact your trip-and-fall. Also, more mailing list testing. I’m getting slightly bored with it, but I’ll whip it soon. Construction has begun on the new TNSC site.

Tonight's Dramatic Reenactment: TonDramRe Office closed this week. Moving, you know.

Tonight's Singled-out List Member: Mary Haring. Say hi to Mary tonight.

Porn Title of the Week: I Cream of Genie Ha!

Oh Lordy. I want to see each and every one of you at the venue tonight. I have an important question for you. Oh and bring your pals. I know I will. See you there! bye-ee!

Tonight - Doc's Clock. (cash only)
Just what the Doctor ordered!!

whrr ... clik!

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