Thursday, May 19, 2016

May is National Bike to Work Month


And if it's National Bike to Work Month, and National Tavern Month, who has a better idea than to combine both!

That's right ... go get a job at a bar and bike to it!
Or ... just bike to a bar.
Or ... just get to a bar however you can.

These days the bar I bike to is the one in my little house.  I'll take a picture of it for you some day.

I'll mount four GoPro cameras to my bike helmet and snap some footage for you.  I got the idea to mount four GoPro cameras to my bike helmet from a guy who blew past me while I waited for a red light.  He had all those cameras pointing fore, aft and to both is left and right somehow affixed to his helmet.  I have a feeling that the one pointing forward and the one pointing rearward are the most useful for whatever purpose footage of a bike ride through Venice has.  Not sure about the left- and right-facing cameras, though.  Perhaps they were dummy cameras or maybe the guy has been T-boned before.  If you blow though red lights, you indeed have a good chance of being T-boned.  And this guy will have footage of it that his family can play at his funeral.

Tonight - Mission Bar
Putting the "fun" into TNSC  fundamentals.

whrr ... clik!

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