Thursday, June 02, 2016

Live Deliciously


I sure do love scary movies, and I saw a good one a few weeks back.  "The VVitch" is a movie about a - wait for it - family in the times of the Puritans in 17th century New England that leave their plantation, move to the country and one way or another encounter - wait for it - a witch.

The movie is good and spooky but doesn't have any bumps or gotchas that are the trademark of other scary movies.  I highly recommend it.

Despite my love of scary movies, horror novels and comics and the like, I don't believe in monsters, ghosts, demons or creatures from black lagoons.  If I did, though, I would have been spooked the other day.  I was alone in a big wooden building.

In its past life, people built boats in this building.  It's got an open interior with a 30' ceiling not unlike an airplane hanger, but with vertical beams, joists and an interior framework.  It's all made of wood but retrofitted with steel supports for this area's notorious seismic activity.

Anyway, if you've ever walked across a wood floor, some of the slats creak and squeak when you step on them.  When a wood building goes from the coolness of the night into the warm, sunlit hours of the morning, the roof planks creak, squeak and make loud pops and cracks as they heat.  And since this is a rather large building, the cracks and pops come from all over the place.  If one was trepidacious of the origin of such noise while alone in a big building, the shift would have been unnerving.

But it wasn't!  I love the sounds the building makes.  Sometimes there are cracks so loud the resemble gunshots.  The roofs pops and snaps and eventually settles down.  In the early afternoon of my solo shift, I heard a clunk.  Then a bunch of beeping and a squealing of some electronic doodad.  Along with the clunk, my computer and its monitors died.  Power failure.

Power failures are surprisingly not uncommon in beautiful, sunny Southern California, if not hard to explain sometimes.  Bad weather usually brings power failures.  Hot days often tax the grid to the point of failure.  This hit has caused by neither.  But as I resolved to wait it out because I was suddenly gripped with primal fear:  Since power was out, so was the CoffeeBot!  I'd have to wait for the power to come back without any coffee!!

Tonight - Thieves Tavern   (cash only)

whrr ... clik!

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