Thursday, January 19, 2017

Yi-eee! (REDUX)

1.3.2017 (first published this week 2003)

Well goddamn if I didn't burn the holy shit outta my mouth on some hot soup the other day. Took two whole days to recover and the mouth ain't totally normal yet. I remember the last time I did as much and I remember the vow: "Nope! No more burnin' the shit outta my mouth." So much for that.
And to top off the physical discomfort, I'm forced to reassess my soup heating strategy. In the perfect world, you've got a pot on a stove and steamy soup ready to be ladled into bowl. In imperfect world, you got a can, an opener, a bowl and a microwave. This solution seems straightforward, but I manage to screw it up. I either get soup that is hot around the edges and ice-cold in the middle, or liquid-hot magma-soup ready to render my mouth fried crispy. With both you naturally got a bowl that ya need fireplace tongs to haul out of the micro. Too bad for all the fog, 'cause I'm ready to ditch the micro-zapper and try solar.

Tonight - 15 Romolo

Special TNSC guest "curating" by the incomparable Tim Pries.  C'mon out and bring your friends. 

whrr ... clik!

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