Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sweep the Leg


"Your driver-side brake light is out."

If someone pulled along side you and said that in such a way that you heard it, would you know what it meant - assuming you understood spoken English?

For reasons I do not fully understand, I often inform drivers that their tail lights are out when I see them out and can catch the driver.  (Since I'm almost always on my bike when I see blown out tail lights, I can't always catch the cars to inform the drivers.)

My ride to work takes me through residential neighborhoods that feature intersections with stop signs that sometimes drivers observe and comply with.  When I pull alongside a car and motioning for them to roll the window down, most have an, "uh oh, what'd I do to the bike guy?" -look on his or her face.  I see it every time and counter with a big, "you didn't do anything wrong" -smile.

When I tell them their brake light is out, they all thank me and rarely knew about it being out.  I think of this as a public service and a small way to help drivers not hate all bike riders.

A few weeks ago I spotted a blue Honda with a blown passenger-side brake light.  I happened to catch up to him because he pulled over to park or whatever.  I came along side, motioned for him to roll his window down - he gave me the look - and he very sheepishly rolled down his window - a lot more sheepishly than most.

I smiled at him and told him his passenger-side brake light was out.

He looked blankly at me.

I repeated myself.

He said, "what?"

I repeated myself again.

He said, "what does that mean?"

I said, "your car brake lights.  The red ones in the back.  They go on when you hit the brake pedal, right?"

He looked at me, doe-eyed.  He said, "what?"

I said, "it was on the driver's test.  Tell ya what.  Your brake light is out.  The cops give tickets for having brake lights that are out.  Take that for what you will."  I added, "Later!" and I left, shaking my head.

In "The Karate Kid" (1984, Columbia Pictures), the wise Okinawsn karate teacher gives his young karate student a car and says, "Remember, Danial-san, driver license does not replace eye, ear and brain."  Does any driver today realize that?

Tonight - Doc's Clock (new locatio 1 block away)
**still CASH ONLY**

whrr ... clik!

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