Thursday, April 05, 2018

Prince o' Danes (REDUX)

4.1.2018  (first published this week 2004)

Just a little advice here: Resist the urge to eat at them Jack's and McD's and Burger Kings and KFC and the like. I've been successful at such for a long, long goddamn time. That is until today. I'm a bit stressed because I fear I've lost something important and I got to miss a delicious BFL and it was already too late for the burrito truck so I headed over to Jack's and got me an ulty cheeseburgey. And fries. With extra salt. And a Coke. With extra ice.

It took me longer to get thru the burgery treat than I thought. I figure I had to eat up them fries quick lest they go cold on me. I think Jack's batters their fries or something. There's lots of nooks and crannies to latch onto the extra salt. Anyway, as I was saying, the burg was a labor. And shit it's gloppy with cheese. Goddang flat-out great junk shit food. Prollem is, now - a mere hour 'so later - I feel like I'm a barf barge on the Stink River and I just took a few Nazi shit torpedoes in the bilge. And the cockswain and his mate have fallen o'erboard. Yeh. That bad.

Ulty cheeseburger out-grosses gross. Pray you, avoid it.

Tonight - House of Shields
 (make up from 2 weeks ago - hoping there's not another private party)

whrr ... clik!

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