Thursday, June 07, 2018

The Limit of My Attentio Span (REDUX)

6.1.2018  (first posted this week 2001

I ain't the forgetful type. Occasionally I'll forget something, but I'm usually pretty good with remembering the important stuff. It's quite an easy distinction: The important stuff and the non- important stuff. Remember to wear pants. Remember to never trust that bitch again. Remember to tell your loved ones that you love them. Remember anniversarys. Don't worry about remembering this shit: Email addresses. Billy Joel song lyrics. Stupid jokes. Funny thing is ... I remember email addresses, Billy-Frikkin-Joel song lyrics and stupid jokes. I fill up the brain with nonsense like this. I want a better filesystem up there so I can purge that crap. God damn. How's this:

"Look what happened to me,
Under the apple tree, It was hairy and scary and looked like a tunnel to me.
So I whipped out my big 'ol ba-na-na,
And shoved it into the crack,
And she let out a scream,
As I filled her with cream,
And that was the end of that. de-do."

God dang that was funny in third grade. Why it's still up there in my pea brain I don't know. I even remember who said it, where they said it and what happend later when the teacher heard it. (That was kinda funny.) I get some help remembering other stuff. Calendars, alarms, Palm Pilot and PowerBook lend a hand. Yeh, so when I'm relying on something to remind me of this or that and I forget, uh, one of my helpers ... I find myself in a world of shit. Today I needed to send an TNSC Venue Announcement, it being Thursday and all, and shit, I needed to write the thing. Remembered all that, but forgot my helper. My PowerBook. At home. Me not at home. Oh well. Got it now and here you are. A really stupid fucking rhyme from 1978. Hope you enjoyed it 'cause that's all there is and there ain't no more.

'Cept this:  Tonight - Make-Out Room
(By Request & *CASH ONLY*)

The TNSC Contest, Dramatic Reenactment and Singled-Out List Member writers also forgot thier PowerBooks so you lovely List Members suffer without this week. Linkey Loo Robot forgets nothing, though.

whrr ... clik!

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