Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Hour of Chaos

Got an apartment and in a couple weeks it'll have been a year since moving in. It's a townhouse in the corner of a nice little courtyard that's got three pastel-colored bungalows on either side toward the street. Shoulda known the day we moved in that the lady at one end of the courtyard was whacked because she asked our movers to turn off their truck because the diesel engine was bothering her. The movers said that they couldn't turn it off due to it powering the hydraulic lift - the lift they needed to unload our furniture from the back of the truck. Didn't satisfy her, though, and she asked if they really needed the lift. You've ever met a mover you know they've likely done time somewhere and they don't cotton to foolish requests. You've ever met a guy who's done time somewhere you know they're likely not to stomp flat some dumbass lady who's askin' stupid questions and get sent back to the hoosegow. Anyway that there was how we met our neighbor.

Since then she has tried to get the local liquor store closed because the parking lot of said liquor store was right out her kitchen window and she was done fed up w/ the store's lesser-advantaged patrons hanging out in said parking lot, pissing on her chainlink fence and being general nuisances. She got a petition going with the neighborhood and got the city involved in her proposed cleanup-or-leave campaign. I said I agreed that no one should be peein' on her chainlink, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna vote for my next-door liquor store to be shut down. Turned out she and the owner came to an uneasy truce after the owner installed some lights and 'no loitering' signs.

Well the dingdong is up to it again: Got a letter from the town government the other day, opened it, read it; it said they were suckers. They said they got some complaints that the courtyard's various tenants were leaving their trash bins in an 'unacceptable location.' I thought, hmm! I only seen them bins on the ... uh ... CURB. Where the fuck we supposed to be putting them and come on! Don't you town government jerks got anything better to do than worry about the goddamn trashbins? Some people don't realize they be part of the problem.

Tonight - Irish Bank.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Brave fecal alley and join us for the freshes Guinness in town and chow-down on some blue cheese fries. yes ok!


whrr ... clik!

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