Thursday, August 11, 2005

Souled Out

My brother once said, "You are all Jimi Hendrix assholes."

I don't have the slightest memory whatsoever of what he was talking about or who he was talking too; I can only guess that I was part of the party he addressed as "Jimi Hendrix assholes." I only know he said it because while cleaning my guns this week I found a scrap of a reciept for Kleen-Bore Formula 3 Gun Conditioner that on the opposite side said, "You are all Jimi Hendrix Assholes. -JAJ" Those would be my brother's initials. The handwriting was mine, but I don't remember anything about it.

Anyone care to guess what a "Jimi Hendrix Asshole" is? No "Find the Reference! tonight ... Clik on the link to 'splain "Jimi Hendrix asshole and I'll post yr ideas next week.

Tonight - Annie's Cocktail Lounge.

Explain "Jimi Hendrix Asshole."

Party on, Wayne.


whrr ... clik!

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