Thursday, August 24, 2006

Get over it.

Hi all ...

Just got back from Iraq and I'm feeling much better - I didn't use that foot much anyway ... I've got automatic transmission on my Bentley. And the six months in Switzerland, Swaziland, Togo, Truk Islands, Antarctica, New Zealand, Greenland, Normandy, sub-Orbit (Thanks again, Mr. Branson) and SeaLab did me and my ladies a lot of good.

What with the court settlement and my recent lottery wins in California and Arkansas, I've been able to fund the rebuilding of my homes in New Orleans and get the fire damage fixed on my ranch. It will be great to spend some time there -- the Manhattan and Paris penthouses are getting kinda tired.

I'm almost done in astronaut training and expect to be cleared for this Sunday's launch of Atlantis. It'll be fun to be back on the Cape.

Life is great and getting better. I hope to see you soon and if yr near any of the points along my upcoming cross-country blimp trip route, paint something on the ground so I can see it from 1000ft.

The monkeys and cats and chinchillas are all fine. Thanks for asking.


USA, EU and the nice parts of Africa.

Tonight - The Attic.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!

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