Thursday, March 08, 2007

Michael Pare

Nearly got hit by a car this morning, thanks to the phenomenon known as the "Chicago" or "California" stop: "slowing down significantly but not stopping completely at the sign."

I have a really easy, flat, one-point-one-mile bike commute through residential streets and I've taken the time to determine the path that has the fewest cross streets and where the intersections are not all four-way stops. I've had enough experience riding a bike on city streets (San Francisco and Chicago) to know that a bike rider's got to be careful no matter if he or she has the right-of-way, as a sign won't stop a car no matter what. This being said, I approach the intersections with care.

This morning the silver SUV gets to the intersection and pulls a California stop - VERY typical in this neighborhood. Hell, I even do it when I'm driving. Usually the driver will pull this and check cross traffic, only fully stopping if someone is going through, a kid is crossing on his way to school, a bunch of ducks and ducklings are in the way, or the FedEx truck is stopped in front of them. Or, often, if they see me on my shiny red bike. Silver SUV pumps the brake then hits the gas. I brake hard and dodge. The gal driving sees me only then and hits her brake so hard her sunglasses fly from her face and onto the dash. I yell something or other about something or other and continue. Didn't need much coffee after that one, I tell ya.

I don't even think the gal was drinking. Be careful out there, yo.

Tonight - Club Deluxe.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Burlesque night, yo.


whrr ... clik!

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