Thursday, May 17, 2007

Channel 9

I went and got me a breakfast burrito this morning. Kinda feeling the 1x vodka rocks, 1x vodka martini, 1x gin martini and ?x Miller Lites from last night, so despite the giant load of grilled food I ate last night, breakfast burrito was necessary. I hate to say that there isn't a cheap breakfast burrito that I've found close by, so I shelled out eight bucks. I stood around waiting what I thought to be an extra-long time before the gal handed me the sack containing the breakfast burrito. I said thanks and she said ... wait for it ... "no worries."

I first heard that expression from an Aussie. That's kinda natural, as the expression originated there. They don't say, "you're welcome" when someone thanks you, no, them Aussies say, "no worries, mate." Fine. I like regional expressions as much as the next guy. I have come to hate "no worries" as a response to "thank you" when spoken by an non-Australian. Here's why: I'm not fucking worried. I'm thankful. You say "no worries" to my "thank you" and you ain't Aussie, I take back my "thank you" and add "kiss my ass." Where in fuck does "thank you" mean I'm worried? Stupid. I'm going to exploit the stupidity of it by bastardizing it and saying "no fears" when someone says "thank you" to me. Worries, fears ... kinda related. We'll see how this idiot maneuver flys. I'll let ya know.

Tonight - The Knockout SF

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!

Bingo tonight! $5 cover after 10pm... so get in there early.

whrr ... clik!

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