Thursday, May 03, 2007


Finishing a frikkin' movie is not like finishing making shelves. When yr about done making some shelves to put yr flowerpots, clothespins, BBQ gear, car wax, bike wheels and the rest of the junk you've got sitting around in the small backyard you have, the activity does not get MORE frenetic. It doesn't get busier. You might check the tightness of the screws one last time or tilt the thing to check that it's level, but you don't run around making a bill of materials, buying wood, primer, paint, sealant and screws, measuring, sawing, sanding, priming, painting, assembling, levelling and installing the goddamn thing. You check your work, then put the various shit in yr backyard on it.
Finishing a goddamn movie? In many ways you start from scratch until the last minute. It's stupid.

Tonight - La Rocca's Corner Tavern.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!

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