Thursday, January 03, 2008

Psychiatric Help

Was the same Republican scumbag jerk who spun "Global Warming" into "Climate Change" and the "Estate Tax" into the "Death Tax" the same douchebag who found that the word "Sale" was too uncouth a description for the period of time they were to offer the cars at their dealership at a reduced price? Seems to me the same lump of asshole-like brain was behind all of the above. No, no, says he, no I will not call my car sale a car sale. Why, these cars are christing LEXUSes. L. EX. U. S. "Luxury EXport U.S." They do not go on sale. There may well be a HAPPENING in which their price is reduced. There may be such an EVENT. Yes. An event! Our upper-class customers won't go to a sale, but they will attend a motherfucking EVENT!!

But everything's an event now. Not only the Caddys, Mercs and Lexuses. The Jeeps, Miatas and Saabs have events now, rather than sales. The toy stores, Best Buys and Sears only have events. The Thai menu on my doorknob has coupons for curry events. The dentist has filling events. I'm sick of it. I'm gonna build a kiosk and have a good old-fashioned lemonade sale on my street. Sale price? Fo-free!

Tonight - Orbit Room.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!

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