Thursday, November 12, 2009

H1 N1 C30 Go!


I hear the swine flu vaccine is grown in hen's eggs. That's cool. I like to grow swine-related things in hen's eggs: BREAKFAST.

Just this morn I chucked some swine fat in a pan, then some onions once the fat melted. Then I heaved in about two cups of chopped pulled swine that had been on ice since I grilled it and smoked it a couple Sundays ago (when it was still light out at 5p, goddamn it). When the oniony swine began to sizzle and pop, I beat up some hen's eggs in the Tupperware® dish the swine had been in and let them join the snappycracklypoppy oinony swine.

I mixed that mess about with a wooden spoon, then hit it with some shredded chee - three-yr-ol Tillamook™ Anniversary Edition Extra-sharp Cheddar chee.

Then I chowed down. It was food fit for a bad hangover, but I was without. Yay.

Tonight - Club Deluxe.

Not to be confused with the John Peel Show, it's Little Minsky's Peel Show.


whrr ... clik!

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