Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Apple Store


As an early adopter of Apple's .mac service (now MobileMe), I was able to choose and receive a simple three-letter account name that served as my email address, iDisk name, etc. No extra numbers or letters, just three letter, a dot, "mac," a dot and "com." Simple. Easy.

Too easy.

It seems that Apple's showroom-stores have display Macs that have live internet connections and an email account, because I have been receiving images from those Macs' cameras for many months now. The cute "Photo Booth" software snaps a pic -often with a COOL EFFECT applied - and the shopper ... uh ... mashes the keyboard with their whole hand and it magically types my email address. Then it sends me the image. Enjoy ... I sure do.

Tonight - Specs' 12 Adler Museum Cafe.


whrr ... clik!

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