Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bora Bora Bora


At long last, I visited an allergist last week, partly because I was getting my butt kicked by the damn allergies for two weeks straight - day and night. The bigger part was because I did not know for how much longer I'd have health care, as my job was looking to be in peril. It was.

But the good news is that I saw the layoff coming and prepared for it. The better news is that I got a decent severance package and included within is continued health care through June. Yay: The allergy doc gets paid!

Getting back to the allergy doc, I got the weird, multi-puncture skin test many of you have likely heard of if not experienced for yourself. I thought it would be fun to say, "Ow, quit it," to the gal as she poked me, and she and the other office geek/med tech giggled like I was as funny. Anyway, they let me fester for a full 20 minutes and I gritted my teeth and bared a really itchy arm. Then they interpreted the results: Grass, rag weed, tree pollen, dust, desert pollen, dogs, smoke, mold, dust mites, Oprah, clay, the St.Louis Cardinals, and on and on.

I knew about most of them, so there weren't any real surprises.

Tonight - Homestead.

whrr ... clik!

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