Thursday, October 06, 2011

88.7 FM


In 2002 I had no job. I flew to Chicago for vacation and while I was in the air, a call came into my phone offering me a job. I took it. It was hard, and for a time, GRUELING, but it was one of the best jobs I ever had.
In 2004 I had no job. I flew to Chicago for vacation and while I was in the air, a call came into my phone offering me a job. I took it. It was easy. I sat around and waited for something to happen and it never did. I got several fat checks and a space heater.
In 2011 - today, actually - I'm driving to SF. While I'm in the car, who knows who will call my phone. I'm guessing Alan.

Tonight - Hemlock Tavern. (it's their 10 year anniversary, so it might be "cozy")

whrr ... clik!

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