Thursday, September 29, 2011

Diamond Dave


I saw a green recycling truck the other day with a picture of a dumpster diver diving into a dumpster and the words, "Dumpster Diving is a CRIME," or something similar. Who knew? I know some of those divers make enough for a car, while others can't afford a babysitter and have their children in tow while they scavenge. The latter makes me sad and the former makes me MAD!

No shit, there's some cat with a car - a light pickup, actually - who swings by, stops, parks, shuts'r off and dives my dumpster. He snags some stuff (mebbe he's a she? Wat eva), gets back in, cranks'r up and is off. Goddam truck is washed, too. Grrrrr.

So I gathered up some of my new pet ants, told them I'd put some snacks (unwashed recyclable containers and beercans with a sip left) in the dumpster and they could have at it. They jumped and yelped for joy.

I next saw the lazy diver jumping and yelping himself! Uh oh! All his treasures had meelions of ants in'm! He get bitey! I hope his truck is now home for some of my ants.

Tonight - HOMESTEAD.

whrr ... clik!

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