Thursday, April 26, 2012

I WILL find you!


My son has several names.  We call him by his nickname and keep his real name for official things like airline flights and 529 plans and such.  His nickname has nicknames.  A whole list of them, actually.  I myownself have had nicknames bestowed upon me at almost every place I've ever worked.  I know people with three first names (Ken William Scott, for one), and personally think people with three first names have an edge on the rest of us.  I think a lot about names.

Since I pay attention to things like people's names I've noticed that what used to be rather rare - even in my lifetime - a woman hyphenating her maiden name and her married name (Hanna Jaffe-Walsh, for example) has become commonplace.  Practically every female NPR reporter has a hyphenated last name.  (Lourdes Garcia-Navarro, Barbara Bradley-Hagerty, Charlayne Hunter-Gault, Mary Louise-Kelly, Soraya Sarhaddi-Nelson, Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, Dina Temple-Raston and on and on and on.)  Fine with me.

What I'm not okay with is something that's becoming a trend:  Men hyphenating their last names.  I've only noticed professional athletes doing this, but what was one (a running back for some shit football team Benjarvus (wtf's w/ that name, btw) Green-Ellis), is now more and more, the latest a forward for some shitass fuckwad hockey team (Oliver Eckman-Larson)).  Pick a name and go with it.  You can't have them all.

I've done a poll and I'm in the minority on calling this bullshit.  "They're honoring their mother and father."  Horse pucky.  "They had more than two parents."  Whatever.

If I'm behind the times and I'm just a grumpy old curmudge, fine.  But skip ahead some as this trend catches fire:  Oliver Eckman-Larson's kid marries Ofeibea Quist-Arcton's kid.  What you get is Mary Eckman-Larson-Quist-Arcton.  Mary marries Benjarvus Green-Ellis and Dina Temple-Raston's kid and ya get Phil Eckman-Larson-Quist-Arcton-Green-Ellis-Temple-Raston.

If that guy marries another jerk with eight last names, what are ya gonna have?  Do the math.

Let alone if he's a left-handed relief pitcher:  How are ya gonna fit all those names on the back of a Cubs jersey?

Tonight - Homestead.

whrr ... clik!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I'm listening to the radio this morning and a news item comes across the wire:  7th grade science teacher fired for appearing in an adult film many years ago.  Yep, a couple savvy students Googled her and a dusty pr0n vid she'd done years ago (to pay for school) came up.  She was outed and soon booted.

All I can say is shame on the prudish school district:  A gal's gotta make a buck!  And DUH! for the stupid students who turned her in!  She wasn't likely too hard on the eyes (if she was in main-stream "breeder" pr0n) and who wouldn't want to live a real-life "Hot For Teacher" video all year long??

Tonight - Churchill

whrr ... clik!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cock and Balls II (or so)


Two weeks ago I referenced an iPhone game that's a Pictionary®-like game. There are a couple big differences. BIG Differences:

One, the most obvious, is that this is an electronic game. Duh. The real fun that this affords is that because there's a delay: You get your word, draw and submit - your partner guesses on their schedule. They get to watch you draw, edit, draw and so on. It's a riot.

The other big difference is almost an epic FAIL: There just aren't enough words. You are faced with repeat words to draw. And one after another, words you yourself has already drawn are drawn by your partner. This was annoying at first and now it really sucks. In addition to the shallow pool of words, dozens of these words are totally stupid: Celebrity names. Beyonce, Mariah, PDizzy or whatever. Wutang, Lady Gag-a. It sucks more and more each day.

However, if you have Rob Bonstin drawing leopards for you, you're doing pretty well indeed.

Tonight - divin' it at The Attic.

whrr ... clik!

Thursday, April 05, 2012

"The chair!! The chair!!"


My day in court didn't go as I thought it would. No "I OBJECT, Your Honor!" No "One more word, counselor, and I'll find you in CONTEMPT!" And no "How do you please?"

None of that. First, I did what I always do when going somewhere I've never been in LA: I got lost. That will be the last time I let my shitty phone's map let me down. Then, after a brief wait, I gave my account of the accident (I was subpoenaed as a witness) for the third time. After which, I was released. Perhaps someone got the chair later in the morning's sessio , but I missed it.

I felt a little ripped-off, so I got some donuts.

Tonight - The Page.
Your friendly neighborhood corner bar. (if you live in lower/mid Haight, that is)

whrr ... clik!